How do you calculate goodwill? Your 30 second recap for IFRS 3

When an acquirer doesn’t own all the shares in an acquiree, the equity in the subsidiary not held by the acquiree is called the non-controlling interest (‘NCI’)

NCI resulting from a business combination is measured at:

  • The NCI’s proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets (partial goodwill method), or
  • Fair value (full goodwill method)

Partial Goodwill Method

Identifiable net assets (fair value) XX
NCI (Identifiable net assets x %) (XX)
Net assets acquired XX
Purchase consideration (XX)
Bargain Purchase/(Goodwill)    XX/(XX)

NCI will not include its proportion of goodwill. Any future goodwill impairment will be deducted entirely from the group’s reserves.


Full Goodwill Method

Identifiable net assets (fair value) XX
NCI (Valuation) (XX)
Net assets acquired XX
Purchase consideration (XX)
Bargain Purchase/(Goodwill)    XX/(XX)

NCI balance will include its proportion of goodwill. Any future goodwill impairment will be from group reserves and NCI.